Marketing and Advertising
Get Your Product Listed and Sold through Millions of Mail Order Catalogs
An average mailing by a small, one person mail order company is generally about a thousand pieces, and many such operators rarely mail more than a hundred pieces per week.
Getting Started Compiling and Maintaining a Mailing List
Starting to collect proper information to create a mailing list is not difficult, once you know how to proceed. In this report, uses for mailing lists are briefly described.
How "Info-Loading" Can Increase Your Ad's Pulling Power
There are many schools of thought on how to write a successful direct-response ad, letter or brochure. Some say you need to be subtle, some say be harsh, some say be round-about, some say be direct.
How & Where to Advertise
More than anything else, the key to success in business depends on how and where you advertise. You must advertise or forever remain unknown.
How Ad Sheet Publishers Can Destroy any Publication
Almost 10 years ago I wrote a book entitled "Marketing Your Own Ad Sheet to Make Money".
How and Where to Advertise
There have been entire volumes written on mail order selling. For printed information, the best way to learn HOW & WHERE to advertise is to go to your newsstand and check through all the magazines carrying large numbers of classified and space ads.
How Information Overloading Works
There are many schools of thought on how to write a successful direct-response ad, letter or brochure. Some say you need to be subtle, some say be harsh, some say be round-about, some say be direct.
How to Achieve Excellence in Sales
Most people are always striving to better themselves. It's the "American Way." For proof, check the sales figures on the number of self-improvement books sold each year.
How to Advertise Out-of-Circle For $3.00 to $10.00 (U.S.)
The associations listed below represent many different newspapers in the state they operate in. Most newspapers only cost you $3 to $10 for an advertisement and the circulation could be in the millions.
How to Choose a Print & Mail Dealer
A direct-mail campaign is EXPENSIVE! There are many ways to cut the cost of your mailings. Bulk mail, SASE's, and many other ways. One of the best ways to lower your mailing costs, though, is by using a PRINT & MAIL DEALER.
How to Code Your Ads Without Adding Words to Your Classifieds
Coding advertising is not the big secret or the involved process many would have you believe.
How to Design Winning Ads with Your Own "CR" Copy
Since your ad, circular, copy or whatever will be reproduced exactly as the original, you must be extra careful that every detail is as perfect as possible. Even creases or folds may appear on the finished product.
How to Effectively Key Your Ads
Advertising smartly means you must keep track of which publications draw the most responses, as well as which ad copy is best. This can be done by KEYING your ads.
How to Get Free Printing
This method of getting free printing is currently being used by several different mail dealers. It works! Here's the plan: Run an ad similar to this in any mail order magazine:
How to Get Free Publicity for Your Business
Would you like to expand the volume of your business? You can let thousands of people know about your service, your store, or your new products without paying a penny.
How to Get Free Radio Advertising
The greatest expense you're going to incur in conducting a successful business is your advertising.
How to Get Your 3 X 6 Circulars Typeset Free
The plan is so simple you'll wonder why you never thought of it yourself. But once you give it a try, you will thank us a thousand times for revealing it to you.
How to Increase Your Business with an E-Mail Newsletter
It is an accepted fact that a newsletter sent to your regular customers is an excellent way to keep in touch with them about new offerings, special sales, etc. Newsletter publishing is not an easy process, though.
How to Make Money with Circulars and Ad Sheets
Have you placed your display ad in a national magazine with over 20 million readers, then waited for the orders to pour in? But the days go by and there is little or no responses?
How to Make Whatever You Print Look Sharp, Get Noticed and Read
Getting high quality printing takes more than finding a good printer. You have to know the rules of the game or the results will be less then professional.
How to Make Your Classified Ads Work
Advertising needn't be expensive. There are many ways to advertise expensively. The best of these is the classified ad. Unfortunately, too many people misuse classified ads. They try to sell a product directly from the ad.
How to Master the Art of Super Salesmanship
Mastering the "art of selling" is simply knowing how to present whatever it is that you're selling, to the buyer in such a manner that he feels buying it from you will solve his problems or fulfill his dreams.
How to Offer a Money-Back Guarantee That Will Increase Sales
It's very rare in the smaller, home-based business market to find someone offering an unconditional money-back guarantee. However, the larger, more established businesses offer it all the time. Why is that so?
How to Pick the Best Publications in Which to Advertise
Successful mail order dealers realize there are two distinct groups of publications in which to place advertising for maximum results.
How to Prepare Camera Ready Copy for Offset Printing
Your copy must be pure black and white. In some cases a printer can "shoot" other colors, but you're better off to check with him first. Red ink on white paper is OK, as the camera sees red as black.