X-30 NASP: The National Aero Space Plane

As a part of a five-company team, Pratt & Whitney is pursuing and refining propulsion technologies for the National Aero-Space Plane (NASP). Designated X-30, this huge aircraft will operate from conventional airfields on Earth and fly at hypersonic speeds--up to Mach 25 or Mach 30 (15,000 to 17,000 miles per hour)--and be capable of achieving low Earth orbit.

A scaled propulsion system has been tested at a speed of Mach 8 and other components as high as Mach 14. Additionally, an engine cowl cooling device has been tested at temperatures it would encounter at Mach 20.

The team is made up of two engine companies, Space Propulsion and Systems and Rockwell's Rocketdyne Division, and three airframe companies, General Dynamics, McDonnell Douglas and Rockwell's North American Aircraft.

After establishing a configuration decision, the team developed and verified the necessary technologies to fabricate and test components, leading to a decision to proceed with construction and flight testing of two X-30 vehicles.

If accepted and certified as airworthy for commercial use, the X-30 could take off from Los Angeles, California and cross the Pacific Ocean to land in Japan or Australia in a bit over an hour, hardly enough time for a decent in-flight meal!

Using the same technology to create military and intelligence surveillance aircraft (Aurora and others) utilizing synthetic aperture radar, gamma ray spectrometers and other sophisticated recording devices, they could map the entire surface of the Earth with the resolution of photographs taken from 200 to 400 feet in six to nine months or even less.

Images from the synthetic aperture radar which can see through dense clouds, smog and smoke to record swaths 12 miles wide by 10,000 miles long, are stored on the aircraft's tape recorder and downloaded via ground based high gain antennas as the aircraft approaches the California coast. Ground based antennas and download facilities would be located generally on the plane's primary approach flight path to Nellis/Groom Lake, somewhere in the vicinity of Helendale, California or Waterton, Colorado.

If the information is considered perishable; that is, subject to change quickly, it might be downloaded during the mission via satellite to Helendale or sent directly to NPIC in Washington, D.C. where CIA and other interpretation agencies could act upon it.

Coupled with this type of information is Keyhole and Joint STARS, both of which provide instant, high-resolution vertical and oblique images and electronic information of any location on Earth virtually at the speed of light.

But can a satellite capable of receiving and transmitting cartographic information be capable of also transmitting holographic images toward Earth or into our atmosphere? Could holographic recordings played at, say, Vint Hill Farms in rural Virginia, be transmitted to a satellite in stable orbit over the USA and projected into the skies above Kansas City?

Could the UFOs seen in Gulf Breeze, Florida and the identical UFOs seen near San Diego, California be the same recording played and projected on different nights to different audiences? If these types of aerial displays are possible, why would any agency expend enormous budgets, materials and manpower to produce them?

Well, remember that these objects and devices are primarily weapons of war and/or population control. The Russians have actually admitted to experiments with these types of Psychological Weapons in the "M" Triangle. They are the New World Order's newest weapons and, possibly, their New Final Solution.

If people can be stunned to stupefaction by psychological inhibitors and implanted with locating devices or injected with DNA altering chemicals (HIV), then who needs Earth-destroying nuclear bombs? Why kill the people who will become your slaves when you can turn them into zombies safely and easily, leaving the environment intact?

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