Fallen Rainbow: Navy downs UFO

Disturbing new reports of downed UFOs and captured aliens, of cover-ups by federal agencies and harassment of citizens seem to be increasing worldwide.

Clear Intent: The Government Coverup Of the UFO Experience, by Lawrence Fawcett and Barry J. Greenwood, details a lot of evidence for what they term "a massive coverup of UFO data and even captured UFOs that have either crash landed or been shot down by the airforce."

One interesting story about a "crashed" UFO in the Pacific occurred in 1973. A Naval Intelligence officer relates a tale that , when he was standing the Officer of the Guard at Great Lakes Naval Center, he was told to take a sealed message to the Commander inside a highly restricted quonset hut at a remote part of the base.

He had been told that there was highly top secret material inside. Normally the OOD would come to the door, but was busy that night so the NIO was allowed inside.

"As I went to the doorway, where the OOD was, I saw a very highly unusual craft over to my left. The craft was possibly thirty to thirty-five feet long, about twelve to fifteen feet at its thickest part; then it tapered off in the front to a teardrop shape. I only caught it at an angular view. It looked like it did not have any seams to it. It had a bluish tint, but that was only if you looked at it for a few seconds."

As the officer turned to leave, he got another look at it. "At this time," he said, "I had a very good view about halfway, from the middle of the craft, to the tail section. It tapered back to a very high edge. It looked as if it had a razor edge, a razor sharp edge. The bottom went about three quarters the length of the craft and then angled sharply upward."

The craft sat on what appeared to be a frame made of four by four wooden blocks, with crossbeams under it, so that it was sitting one or two feet above the floor.

Later, the Intelligence Officer was in San Diego talking to some crew members of a destroyer who said that they had shot down but had not destroyed a UFO with a surface to air missile while heading from San Diego to Hawaii in 1973. It sank in about 350 feet of water.

The Glomar Explorer was used to recover the UFO from the sea floor and it was sent by rail to Chicago. When the crew member drew a picture of the UFO, it matched perfectly the one seen by the Intelligence Officer at the Great Lakes Naval Base.

Another interesting incident reported in 1981 by many newspapers and magazines was the case of three Texas school teachers who saw a "flaming" flying saucer cruise over their car in the desert and crash beyond a hill.

Just behind this "flying saucer" was an Army helicopter, which landed at the crash site. The ladies, all respectable, reported their sighting to the police. Then, a few days later, all three of the women lost the hair on their heads! They had apparently been exposed to some kind of extreme radiation as the saucer flew overhead.

This particular sighting appears to be another unsuccessful experimental U.S. military craft.

The most famous UFO crash is the one that occurred at Roswell, New Mexico, detailed by Charles Berlitz in the book, "The Roswell Incident."

Many, but not all, UFO stories are deliberate lies and planned disinformation, particularly those dealing with alien abductions, implants, space flights to fanciful worlds with beautiful, blond Germanic knights of the cosmos, sexual intercourse with ugly little grays, and messages from the star voyagers.

People are being abducted alright but not by little gray aliens from distant worlds who have only our best interests at heart. Most of them are being abducted by their own imaginations and the greed of their psychiatrists; others by agencies within the federal bureaucracy conducting chemical and biological research into cloning, DNA structuring and gene manipulation, and the development of new deadly diseases and mass population killers.

If engineers and scientists discovered and perfected the art of space/time travel with the help of German scientists kidnapped during and after the Second War (and there is plenty of evidence to at least suggest that they have), don't you imagine some time capsule pilot somewhere has been back and forth into different dimensions more than once or twice? And don't you imagine that these things crash now and then when returning from those other dimensions?

If you have any concept at all of what this might mean, you would understand that UFOs, TLOs, grays, and all the rest have one and the same origin, namely: they are creations and experiments by Earth scientists to bend and manipulate space and time.

These experiments had begun in Germany long before Hitler came to power, they continued with the experiments aboard the U.S.S. Eldridge, and they have been refined, refunded and continue to this day in Australia, America, France, United Kingdom, Germany, Japan and still-secret laboratories in Russia.

There is ample evidence to indicate that the engineers in these various countries exchange a great deal of information and data, though probably not all. This would suggest that most research facilities exploring space travel as time travel are being financed by the same groups. If you have any clue at all about what is going on in the secret governments that really control us, you know who these groups are.

And you will also realize the extreme danger these people pose to everyone not in their group.

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