Does 70 Years Of Research Pay Off?
The new saucers.
Electro-gravitics research--seeking the nature of gravity and its control--has reached a stage where profound implications for the entire human race have emerged. Perhaps the most startling and immediate involve aircraft, guided missiles, atmospheric and deep space flights.
If only one line of research achieves the goal--and it now seems plausible that this has already happened--gravitational acceleration as a structural, aerodynamic and medical problem will cease to exist. So will the task of providing massive volumes of combustible fuels in order to escape the earth's gravity, the biggest headache facing NASA engineers.
There are now gravity research projects in every major country of the world; in fact hundreds, are deeply involved in anti-gravity and anti-mass research, much of it funded by military and federal intelligence agencies. Some are over 70 years old. Some are much newer. A few, purely theoretical, seek their answers in Quantum, Relativity and Unified Field Theory mathematics.
Some of these now secret projects, mostly empirical, investigate gravitic isotopes, electrical phenomena and the statistics of mass while others combine both approaches in the study of matter in its super-cooled, super-conductive state, jet electron streams, peculiar magnetic effects or the electrical mechanics of the atom.
The concept of weightlessness in normally heavy conventional materials like steel, aluminium, barium, etc., is difficult enough, but some theories, so far proven empirically in the laboratory, postulate that not only can they be made weightless, they can in fact be given a negative weight. That is: the force of gravity will repel them and, when dropped, they will fall upward into the sky!
In this particular line of research, the weights of some materials have already been cut as much as 30% by "energizing" them. Security precludes disclosure of what is meant by "energizing" or in which country this work is being conducted.
By 1956 a localized gravitic field used as a motive force was created in the laboratory. Disc airfoils two feet in diameter and incorporating a variation of the simple two-plate electrical condenser charged with fifty kilovolts and a total continuous energy input of fifty watts achieved a speed of seventeen feet per second in a circular air course twenty feet in diameter. Later the discs were increased in diameter to three feet and run in a fifty-foot diameter air course under a charge of a hundred and fifty kilovolts with results so impressive that the project quickly acquired the highest classification and laboratories were moved, lock, stock and barrel, to hastily prepared and prodigiously funded underground facilities throughout the world.
Variations of this work done under a vacuum have produced efficiencies that can only be described as startling. Researchers immediately began to develop generators producing power up to fifteen million volts! Such a generator would drive a vehicle of enormous size into deep space at near light speed, a clear indication of the intent of governments in this research.
That generative force raised exponentially to levels capable of pushing man-carrying vehicles through the air or outer space at ultra high speeds soon became the object of special interest in several countries. If achieved it will eliminate most of the structural difficulties encountered in the construction of high-speed aircraft. Importantly, the gravitic field that provides the basic propulsive force simultaneously reacts on all matter within the field's influence. The force is not a physical one acting initially at a specific point in the vehicle then to be translated to all the other parts. It is an electro-gravitic field acting on all parts simultaneously. The gravitic engine generates an anti-mass field when charged and, thus, eliminates inertial forces completely.
Subject only to the laws of momentum, the vehicles are able to change direction, accelerate to hundreds of thousands of miles per hour, or stop. Changes in direction and speed of flight are effected by merely altering the intensity, polarity and direction of the charge.
The communications possible using electro gravitics stagger the imagination. There are apparently in the ether an entirely new unsuspected family of electrical waves similar to electro magnetic radio waves. Electro-gravitic waves have been created and transmitted through concentric layers of electro-magnetic and electro-static shielding without apparent loss of power in any way. There is evidence that these waves are not limited by the speed of light. The new science seems to strike at the very foundations of the Relativity Theory, however, rather than invalidating current basic concepts, the new knowledge of gravity will probably expand their scope, ramifications and usefulness. It is this expansion of knowledge into the unknown that emphasizes just how little we know and how vast is the area still awaiting research and discovery.
The most successful line of the electro gravitics research so far reported is that carried on by Townsend Brown, an American who began researching gravity in the 1920s. He conducted research projects in the U.S. and Europe, postulating that there is between electricity and gravity a relationship parallel and/or similar to that which exists between electricity and magnetism. And as the coil is the usable link in the case of electro-magnetics, so is the condenser that link in the case of electro-gravitics. Years of successful research lend great credence to this hypothesis.
Other than the obvious military significance of electro-gravitic engines, the development of the new science will most certainly alter the value of certain raw materials. Some are more prone to induced weightlessness than others. These are becoming known as gravitic isotopes. Some are difficult to find, but others are common and, for the moment, cheap. Since these ultimately may be the vital lofting materials required in the creation of anti-gravitational fields, their value might become extremely high with equivalent rearrangement of the wealth of national natural resources, balance of economic power and global strategies.
How soon all this happens is directly proportional to the amount of effort expended. Surprisingly, those countries normally expected to lead the field wasted years before showing real interest. Before 1956, Great Britain, with her Ministry of Supply and the National Physical Laboratory, apparently never seriously considered that the attempt to overcome and control gravity was worth practical effort and had to work overtime to catch up.
The U.S. Department of Defense had consistently considered gravity as the realm of science fiction and, until the mid 1960s, only put token amounts of money into research. The French, apparently a little more open-minded about such things, initiated a number of projects, but even those were not properly funded. The same was true throughout most of the western world and, until less than five years ago, we could only guess what was going on behind the Iron Curtain.
Government and private interest is growing with each passing day and we should not be surprised to learn that space vehicles with anti-gravity engines and anti-mass fields from America, Great Britain and Russia have been zipping back and forth between Earth and the moon, or Earth and Mars for a number of years, perhaps since as early as 1960.
If so, the military has clamped a lid of secrecy on the projects that is impossible to penetrate and, now that the cold war is over, it leaves us to wonder why.
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