List Of Alleged Secret Projects

  1. Fort Detrick, Maryland, U. S. Army Bacteriological & Chemical Warfare Experimental Labs.

  2. Langley, Virginia: CIA Headquarters "The Shop", Experiments in Biological Weapons, Psychological Warfare, Psychics.

  3. Indian Springs, California-- U. S. Air Force Base: "Shut down in 1978 due to budget cuts." Way station for the homeless. Experiments on humans.

  4. Dugway, Utah-- U.S. Army Biological experiments currently being conducted:

    • Cloning
    • Biogenetic Engineering
    • Biological Warfare Experiments
    • Headquarters of DERO
  5. Battle Mountain, Nevada-- U. S. Army Biological-Chemical-Nuclear Warfare Storage Facility.

  6. Thunder Mountain, Nevada-- U. S. Air Force Headquarters of Project Rainbow. Storage facility for UFOs and alien space base. (Maybe).

26 April, 1978--Dugway, Utah: "Leak of chemical warfare gas when truck overturned," was story given to press. Killed sheep and other livestock, made some people sick.

Field experiment #13417-T-137: Nerve gas released to determine range of open air dispersal and effects of weather on potency. 417 Americans died. Government controlled press to hush the story.

11 August, 1978:

Field experiment #13481-A: Test sites: New York City; Miami, Florida; San Francisco, California; Chicago, Illinois; Detroit, Michigan.

To determine extent of artificial virus in decreasing homosexual drug-user populations.

Method of dispersal: 20,000 kilos of heroin infected with HIV and distributed to federal agents posing as drug dealers.

Expectations: Within 5 years should cause epidemic among homosexual population and force them out of mainstream population. Expect most to be dead within 10 years.

(Note: We have repeatedly stated that the New World Order is encouraging homosexuals to "come out of the closet" so they can be identified for future extermination. If you want to see how the New World Order really feels about the gay community, you need only study the history of Nazi Germany).

14 June, 1973 New Mexico. Code name: Fallen Rainbow; Project Rainbow, USAF. Crashed UFO recovered with survivors. 385 American witnessed the crash. All disappeared with their families. Anthrax epidemic was blamed. Area cordoned off within 1/2 hour. DERO activated. Some Americans near the crash site were shot by paramilitary stormtroopers. Moved to Coonty Mountain on 15 June, 1973. Moved to Battle Mountain on 21 July, 1974 and remains there.

Note: Project Rainbow originally was the code name of the time/space experiments conducted aboard the USS Eldridge and dubbed "The Philadelphia Experiment." We believe it continues under that name.

Coonty Mountain, Utah

Project "Beastmaker."

For security reasons, moved from Fort Detrick, Maryland. Genetic manipulations of different animals to be used in warfare. Some failures. Success rate: 14.37% of test subjects perform to ideal.

Best case: 1787-P "Outsider." A killer soldier.

Other: Golden Retrievers with extreme intelligence trained as spies for missions in foreign countries.

1979 (date unknown):

Project Homeless

Government agencies began using "expendable" homeless people for genetic experiments and chemical and biological warfare agents. Used for psychological testing, drug experiments, and as bargaining tools with aliens. Main terminal is Indian Springs, California. Abducted from shelters, streets and hang-outs. These "invisible people" are not even missed by the general population and no mention is stated in the media.


#13481-A: AIDS Project (ongoing).

#1787-O and others: Outsider genetic manipulation to create the perfect mindless killer soldier. Successful. May be using DNA obtained from aliens to produce crossbred beings. NOTE: We believe this crossbreeding is being conducted as a joint operation between earthlings and aliens.

#1593-GR Genetic manipulation to see how many different species can be melded into a single creature. Some successes. Since mid-1950s.

#01961-A "Chimera" A genetic experiment to determine if created lifeforms can learn to transmutate, become invisible, transport, levitate, have extreme ESP, etc. Success but many in conjunction with electromagnetic machines only.

NOTE: A future series entitled, "A Fine Raving Madness" will be publishedby Kerson Publishing Company and details the genetic creation of Darklings.

#3180-JC The "Christ Project" attempted to clone Jesus from DNA particles obtained from the Shroud Of Turin. Terminated due to lack of subject control.

#3186-JCA The "Christ Project" refunded in 1986. Children[1] are being raised in a closed environment.

[1] NOTE: Not "child", but "children."

DERO: Downed Extraterrestrial Recovery Operations. May be referred to as DART: Downed Alien Recovery Teams.

NOTE: We cannot authenticate these reports and do not endorse them as valid, current experiments by any government or civilian agency, foreign or domestic. They are presented as information only.

U.S.S. ELDRIDGE: Project Rainbow "The Philadelphia Experiment"

In 1943, the U.S. Navy began conducting tests to degauss the hulls of ships so they could not be damaged or destroyed by magnetic mines.

Coils of copper, rather scarce at that time, were tested in a number of configurations. The final type, deemed suitable for the tests, was a cadeuceus coil wound into a toroid inside the ship's hull.

When charged, the toroid coil was supposed to demagnetize or degauss the hull. But the engineers and scientists had miscalculated. Something went terribly wrong.

When the toroid coil was charged, an electromagnetic field completely different from that predicted by the engineers was created. This unknown field changed the amount of basic energy contained within the space occupied by the ship. It was increased by an unknown factor.

Material objects remain visible and tangible only in a low energy-density per unit volume of space. If that energy density and charge is increased by a substantial amount, enough to equal an electron, the electrons become indistinguishable from free space. If the energy density and charge are increased beyond the amount required to nullify an electron and a proton, then neither the electron nor the proton could continue to exist in the physical world.

Any slight increase in the field charge at that point would cause the material object to completely dematerialize.

Witnesses later stated that they could see the outline of the Eldridge in the water--the hole where it once was visible--but they were unable to see the ship. It had become invisible!

Moments later, water rushed in to fill the hollow as the ship dematerialized; that is, moved from the physical, visible plane of this world into another dimension, the properties and characteristics of which they could not explain.

Some time later the Eldridge reappeared at Norfolk, Virginia. Many of the sailors aboard were dead, having been burned to ashes by the strong electromagnetic forces in the toroid coil.

Others were alive, some barely, and some had melded into the steel decks and gun tubs of the ship. A few had melded into their nearest shipmates.

Later theories declared that the sailors had joined with their companions and ship structure because the ship had moved in the water and the sailors had moved from their assigned spots some time during the transition from this three dimensional universe to the unknown time/space continuum and back.

They may have panicked and run or they may have been thrown off balance by the transition. We may never know.

But what is known is that some of the sailors aboard the Eldridge who survived the experiment would begin to smoulder as if burning from the inside out. The required "cure" at that time was a "laying on of hands." Their shipmates and comrades were instructed to touch the burning sailors to decrease or otherwise change the magnetic fields surrounding them. This "cure" apparently worked to some degree.

Obviously, humans who have undergone such radical electronic modification could not long endure and, indeed, many were reported to have gone mad; other to have died horrible lingering burning deaths.

A Norfolk, Virginia newspaper reported in a small column hidden deep within its pages that two sailors from the Eldridge had been sitting in a bar having drinks when one began to smoulder. His comrade placed his hands on the sailor as instructed and the burning ceased. Then, without warning, the affected sailor stood and walked through the wall of the pub, but did not appear on the other side. He had vanished completely from this space/time and has not been heard from to this day.

The theory of this time/space shift has been expressed by a number of prominent scientists and engineers. It is complicated and fraught with Einstein's equations of the unified field. To make it easier for the layman to understand I will break it down simply as this:

Using the equations, it has been determined that an infinite energy charge could be produced outside the toroid coil while inside the coil (ship) zero energy charge would be indicated. Inside the ship there is no current flowing through the conductor and, therefore, no magnetic field. Outside the coil there is an infinite energy charge producing an enormous magnetic field.

The charge outside the ship is seen as Scalar Electrostatic Potential. When this is increased the electrons, then protons, neutrons and all other subatomic particles collapse into the quantum field. The ship and all within the toroid coil will vanish into the quantum field, acquiring other dimensions of space/time/motion in the process.

Witnesses would see the ship vanish and the hole fill with water as the ship transitioned into the quantum field. Inside the ship, however, the universe would appear to be much the same as before, even if it now exists entirely within the quantum field. Its spatial properties will have changed. It can now be in any part of the universe all the time or all of the universe at any time. Anywhere and anywhen at once.

Because of the transition, the Eldridge became a probabilistic construct having existence equally probable anywhere in the universe, in all dimensions and times at the same time and same place!

The Eldridge travelled not only through space during the transition, it travelled through time as well. The transition may have been instantaneous or it may have spanned centuries for those on the ship.

The difficulty with time travel in 1943 was that the transition contained within itself unknown factors of probability. One factor states that the faster you travel in time, the more acute the probability curve becomes. Time travellers in 1943 might have transitioned through several parallel worlds without even knowing it. This theory appears to have some validity since the Eldridge and her crew reappeared in a different location from where they began.

The questions are: How far did they travel on the curve and in what direction? Did they complete a cycle forward in time and then reappear at Norfolk, Virginia, or did they moved backward in time, encounter neutral time and space, transition to positive time and reappear in 1943 after having experienced a hundred or even a thousand years of cosmic time?

And most important: Was the Eldridge that reappeared in Norfolk the same U.S.S. Eldridge that vanished during the test or was it a parallel ship with parallel crew from another time on a parallel world conducting an identical test?

Project Rainbow in 1943 was an experiment that resulted in the deaths of several sailors because the engineers did not know what effects their toroid fields would produce.

In 1994, however, we can be certain that scientists and engineers know exactly what to expect from time/space transition inside their anti-mass/anti gravity electromagnetic coils.

We see them today, not as ships of the high seas, but as ships of interstellar space; the flying saucers and fiery lights in the midnight skies.

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