LUNA: What Is This Strange Thing Orbiting Earth?

Three theories have been postulated to explain the moon, none of them really worth their salt. The first is that the moon was created from the same cosmic dust cloud at the same time as Earth about 4.6 billion years ago. The second is that the moon was torn from the Pacific Basin which later filled with water. The third, generally accepted by most scientists, is that the moon was captured by the Earth as it wandered into our gravitational field.

The mechanics involved in such a celestial capture are enormous and even NASA scientist Dr. Robin Brett admits, "It seems much easier to explain the nonexistence of the moon than its existence."

Over 99% of the rocks returned from the moon were found to be at least 90% older than the rocks found on Earth, ranging from 3.6 billion to 5.3 billion years old. The area where the lunar rocks were chosen was thought to be one of the youngest on the moon. The oldest rocks found on Earth are only 3.7 billion years old, leading some scientists to conclude that our moon may have been formed eons before our sun was born.

Another, even more perplexing puzzle is the discovery that the lunar soil is older by at least a billion years than the rocks which rest upon it. This seems completely unexplainable since soil has always been understood to be the residue of eroded or decomposed rocks. Analysis of the soil revealed that it is not rock residue and, therefore, has its origins somewhere else.

One of the strangest of all lunar enigmas is that when the lunar module ascent stages crashed onto the surface of the moon, the moon rang like a hollow sphere, vibrations lasting for up to four hours! While NASA officials are reluctant to postulate that the moon may be hollow, they cannot otherwise explain it.

After some difficulty, astronauts were able to drill into the extremely hard surface of the lunar maria to recover samples of rare minerals such as beryllium, zirconium, titanium and yttrium which were fused with surrounding rock at temperatures of about 4500°.

In addition to these rare minerals, American and Soviet probes recovered pure iron samples. These iron particles have not oxidized, even after two decades of exposure to Earth's atmosphere. Although there is an iron pillar of unknown origin and age in New Delhi, India that has also never rusted, scientists are unable to explain it.

Uranium, thorium and potassium samples were found to be unusually radioactive. Using thermal equipment, astronauts discovered that heat flow near the Apennine Range was so great that scientists on Earth were convinced the area was ready to melt and that the moon's core must be very hot. The core is not hot, however, and, indeed, if it has a core at all, it is quite cold. In addition to being extremely radioactive, the amount of material discovered is quite great, leaving scientists to wonder about its origin. If it came from the interior of the moon, how did it get to the surface? Since some scientists agree it could not have come from the interior (since the moon appears to be a hollow sphere), how did all this radioactive material find its way to the surface of the moon and when did it happen?

Early Apollo missions found no traces of water on the lunar surface. But NASA scientists were stunned later when they detected a water vapor cloud greater than 100 square miles in size. This water vapor appears to have come from inside the moon, according to NASA testimony. Clouds, fog and other surface changes have been observed on the lunar surface for centuries.

Six different 19th century astronomers reported having observed a fog which obscured details in the floor of the crater Plato. This would seem to contradict the idea that the moon's low gravity is incapable of holding an atmosphere.

Lunar exploration has also revealed that much of the surface is covered with a glassy tile-like material, suggesting that it has been scorched by some unknown source of intense heat. Analysis has proven that the glass was not produced by meteor impacts but is nearly identical to glazing caused by atomic explosions on Earth. Nuclear glazing combined with the extreme high radioactive surface materials might indicate that a nuclear war or severe explosion occurred on the lunar surface at some time in the past.

Lunar rocks were found to be highly magnetized, when such magnetism was neither expected nor imagined. Again, NASA experts are unable to explain.

Magnetic Anomalies discovered on the surface of the moon beneath the circular maria (which, incidentally, are found almost exclusively on one side of the moon) are so strong in places that they actually effect the orbits of the lunar spacecraft. These massive concentrations, located almost centrally under the maria, cause orbiters to dip toward the surface and to accelerate as they pass over. While they appear to be huge concentrations of dense, heavy matter, NASA scientists have no suitable explanations.

Since the moon is smaller than the Earth and has a gravitational attraction one-sixth that of Earth (as we've been told since Sir Issac Newton formulated the Law in 1666) the neutral gravitation point between Earth and Luna should be quite close to the lunar surface. We've been told, and it has been repeatedly reinforced, that the neutral point is approximately 24,000 miles from the center of the moon or about 220,000 miles from the center of the Earth.

Using this figure, U.S. and Soviet scientists began hurling objects at the lunar surface, the first being the Luna 1 Russian probe on January 2, 1959. It passed within 4,660 miles of the moon before disappearing into deep space.

The U.S. made three unsuccessful attempts before a fly-by of 37,000 miles was achieved. Luna 2 hit the moon, Luna 3 circled the moon and took pictures of the far side and the Russians immediately postponed all lunar research and refused to release any information they had collected.

America, alone in the race for the moon, launched a series of embarrassing probes designed to hard land with seismic detectors. Ranger 3 missed completely and went into solar orbit. Ranger 4 hit the moon but sent no useful information. Ranger 5 missed by a full 450 miles, prompting the engineers to sit down and recalculate their equations. Somewhere along the line, they had made some serious mathematical errors!

Two years later Ranger 6 was launched but its electrical system burned out. Subsequent flights had a bit more success and the Russians were encouraged to reactivate their lunar research. But Luna 5 crashed at full speed onto the surface. Luna 6 missed. Luna 7 crashed when its retrograde rockets fired too soon. Luna 8 crashed. Then Luna 9 became the first probe to successfully soft land on the lunar surface.

From that time both Soviet and American probes were largely successful, but only because they had been able to recalculate the gravitational neutral point between Earth and the moon.

The most amazing disclosure to emerge from the many failures was that NASA was able to accurately find the neutral gravity point between the two bodies. This new calculation was never officially revealed or explained, leading many to suggest that NASA is covering up important data concerning the origin and composition of the moon.

The neutral point, as published in Time magazine, July 25, 1969 and same year in "History of Rocketry & Space Travel," was 43,495 miles from the center of the moon. This means that the gravitational attraction of the moon is not one-sixth or 16.7% of the Earth's, but is actually 64% or greater than one-half of the Earth's gravity!

Because of their relative sizes, if the neutral point is really 52,000 miles, rather than 43,495, the moon's gravitational attraction would be identical to Earth's. A 170 pound man on Earth would weigh 170 pounds on the moon.

Inconsistent and contradictory information concerning the recalculated neutral point leads some investigators to believe NASA is conducting an official cover-up. Using NASA's own figures, researchers have determined that the flight times for the Apollo missions were shorter than they should have been, indicating that the spacecraft began to accelerate sooner than they would have if the moon's gravity were only one-sixth that of Earth's. The figures, in fact, validate the claim that the moon's gravity is nearly the same as Earth's!

Assuming the moon's gravity is one-sixth that of Earth's, the payloads for the Lunar Module are correct, however, if the moon's gravity is nearly the same as that of Earth, we are led to conclude one of two things: (1) America did not send men to the moon as claimed, or (2) America sent men to the moon but used a landing technology other than rockets to place the lunar module on the surface and return.

Top secret military research being conducted in lifting technology may have provided the means to launch, land and recover the LM. Rockets aboard the vehicle clearly could not have worked in the high gravity now known to exist on the moon. Were super-secret anti-gravity devices used aboard the vehicle? Let's take a look.

In a gravity one-sixth that of Earth's, a 180 pound man would weigh only 30 pounds. That means he could easily leap 15 feet straight up on the moon as opposed to about 18 inches on Earth. None of the astronauts who walked on the moon could do that. They were unable, in fact, to leap more than about 18 inches!

When Apollo 12 astronaut Conrad dropped the final three feet from the LM ladder to the lunar surface, he remarked that the jump may have been a short one for Neil, but it was a long one for him. Later he was warned not to lean too far forward when gathering soil samples because he might fall and be unable to stand again!

But jumping from a three-foot ladder in one-sixth gravity would be the same as stepping off a six-inch curb on Earth. Even with the weight of the spacesuit, Conrad should not have even noticed it. If Conrad had fallen while gathering samples, we should assume he could have pushed himself upright by arm strength alone in one-sixth gravity.

Charles Duke fell several times during the Apollo 16 lunar landings and was unable to catch himself, even though he should have fallen three to four times slower than on Earth.

Apollo 14 astronauts were unable to climb a cone crater as planned. During the mission, astronaut Alan Shepard went down on one knee to recover a sample and required the aid of Astronaut Mitchell to stand again. Their heart rates increased to 120 beats per minute as they moved up the slight grade toward the cone. After nearly four hours, they were still approximately one-half hour from reaching their goal and Shepard claimed they could not reach the crater summit in that amount of time so they abandoned the task.

But the crater, little more than a hill, was only 1.8 miles from the LM. If they were two-thirds of the way to the top, they should have been able to cover the final half-mile in only six minutes, assuming they were moving at five miles per hour in one-sixth gravity.

During Apollo 17, astronauts Cernan and Schmitt began their first tasks by loading the Lunar Rover. Cernan, apparently excited, was told that his metabolic rate was climbing at an alarming rate. He was using too much oxygen. Cernan told his communicator that he thought it was due to being accustomed to "zero gravity."

Astronaut Parker, the communicator, then stated that he thought Cernan was working in one-sixth gravity, not "zero gravity." Cernan replied, "Yes. You know where we are... whatever," suggesting that he did not think it wise to discuss the gravity situation.

While a number of people have claimed America never did send men to the moon, others believe we did but that we defeated the moon's high gravity with some new lifting technology such as anti-gravity devices rather than with rockets.

The most compelling visual evidence for such claims is the footage of the lunar ascent module leaving the surface of the moon. Its ascent is completely inconsistent with that of a rocket-launched vehicle and there is no rocket exhaust.

Recently, a Japanese astronomer photographed an enormous disc-shaped vehicle crossing the surface of the moon at extremely high speed. It was later agreed by many scientists to be space station at least one kilometer in diameter. Numerous light flashes have been seen and recorded on the surface of the moon. Water vapor clouds have been detected rising from the floors of craters. Water and high gravity suggests an atmosphere capable, possibly, of sustaining human life.

When NASA recently made a commitment to return to the lunar surface to stay, did they mean they were already there and that humans were living at least fairly comfortably while they terraform it for their employers?

Are some of the large craft spotted in the skies of Earth shuttle craft and supply ships embarking for or returning from lunar excursions or even Martian excursions?

Have Earth scientists really perfected free energy, anti-gravity engines and anti-mass fields? Have they finally figured out how to bend and reconstruct time and space so they can jump back and forth from one dimension to another as easily as driving down to the local grocery store?

There is so much circumstantial evidence for it that it is nearly impossible to ignore, yet, not one shred of real physical evidence has been produced to prove any of it.

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