21 Items Anyone Can Easily Sell by Mail
In order to make money by mail, you need to have something to sell which others will want to buy. Everyone makes money by selling something of value to someone else. Some folks are content to sell "a little of themselves" one hour at a time. Others want to work for themselves and sell their own products or services to others.
Those individuals who desire to make more than just a few bucks per hour need to have their own product or service to offer to the rest of the world. For those individuals, this presentation was prepared. With the information, suggestions, and information listed in this report, you could Price It, Advertise It and Sell It!
You see... most of the guesswork, trial and error has been removed. This report has 21 plans and suggestions. It is NOT meant to be the "last and final authority". It is more than enough to give you a good idea, to encourage you to get started and to begin receiving money in your mail box often. You'll learn more as you go along. You';ll run across other offers and maybe some better deals. The best advice is: go slow, test and try every offer that appeals to you! See what works and what doesn't. Stay with the things that produce results.
So, To Begin With... What Can You Sell to Others by Mail?
If you have nothing, besides yourself and your time, it is quite simple to create something to sell to others or to offer to do something for someone else that they can't or won't do for themselves.
What follows are IDEAS and TESTED PLANS (by others) which you can begin to advertise and sell to others by MAIL ORDER!
1. A Circular Mailing Business
Sample Ad:
FAST CIRCULAR MAILING 3x6 and 5x8............... 1 cent each 8-1/2x11.................. 2 cents each 1000 8-1/2x 11............ $15.00 Minimum (200 of each kind)
This is an inexpensive and easy way to begin. Offer to mail circulars (distribute them by mail) to prospective buyers. You charge a fee for this service, by asking for a set rate per week or per month or per sheet charge. (Write and request information from other advertised offers. Ask questions that you would like answers to on starting and operating this type of business. Know what is involved and know what you are doing before you begin.) If you advertise, let other companies know how much you charge to distribute their circulars.
2. Sell Packages of Mail Order Offers
Sample ad:
QUALITY BIG MAIL! Packed with top mail order publications, discount ad rates, money making opportunities, dealership offers. FREE mailing list, FREE Big Mail Listing and much more. Everything rushed to you first-class mail for only $2.00! Order Today!
This ad shows that one company usually charges $2.00 for their Big Mail. You can offer a "BIG MAIL" for $1.00 or $2.00... Keep all the money and have this company fill your orders for free. Write the ones you like for details. Buy other "Big Mails". Offer your own for $1.00. You make money both ways. Companies pay you to distribute their circulars... AND your customers pay you to be sent one.
Note: It is very strongly recommended that you first contact each company you are interested in doing business with prior to your placing any ads and offering any companies products to others by mail!
3. Operate a Commission Mailing Business
This is different from item 1 above, in that you are not paid a fee or collect any monies up front, to mail each circular. If you mail "Commission Circulars" for other companies, you agree to "take your cut" or commission from the orders received. This can be MUCH MORE profitable! A lot of Mail Order companies are willing to allow YOU to keep HALF the money from each order as your commission for getting the order. Usually each circular has a space for YOU to put your name on each one before you mail them out. Your name will be the only one on each. All orders will come to you. You keep your share of each order, forward the remainder onto the company that supplied that circular and they will (usually) forward the item direct to your customer for you, under your name. (This is called "dropshipping". For Mail Order sources, you place ads which ask for "Dealerships" from such companies or look for ads which ask for "Dealers Wanted".
4. Contact Sources to Sell Their Products
Sample ad:
Dealers Wanted. Moneymaking Plans & Ideas! Ideal home mailorder business. Up to 1300% profit. No inventory. We dropship. Send $2.00 for 64-page catalog. Dealer details and wholesale prices. Satisfaction guaranteed. ACT TODAY!
An ad like this one, is placed by a Mail Order company who are seeking dealers to sell their products. Write them and ask for all necessary details.
5. Sell Money-Making, Mail Order Plans
Sample Ad:
$10 Orders Filled Free! Easiest, most profitable mail order program yet. Get easy $10 cash sales and keep all the money yourself. Don't wait - send now for free details now!! Rush SASE to:
Write and ask for Dealer details, or their sales aids for Commission Mailers. You may have to buy their book (or whatever they are selling) before you can offer it to others.
6. Purchase or Type Up Your Own and Sell Short Informative Reports
Sample Ad:
FREE REPORT$. 38 $MONEY MAKER$. Fill YOUR pockets with $CASH$, plus FREE reprint rights. Just a LSASE.
Besides selling a various list of suppliers, you can type up short, one to four page, reports on a multitude of subjects, like "Where to Get Free Advertising", "Big Profits - Selling Information", "How to Write Profit Pulling Sales Letters and Circulars". You can type up other reports that you create for greater profits. Get reports Printed; Advertise; Sell It!
7. Type Up, Print and Sell Your Own Booklet or Directory
A booklet of several pages in length is no more difficult than typing up a few reports and stapling them together. Look at this short booklet: It is a model for how to do it. Have this "camera ready" booklet printed, (minimum 50 each) and sell it to others. (You can give copies away, hoping for sales later on, from your ads that appear in this booklet.) You can even sell copies to other dealers and let them sell it as their own. You can advertise and sell quantities direct.
8. Offer a Name Listing Service
Advertise that you will send your customer's name to hundreds of other Mail Order companies. Charge a small fee for this service. Once you have a few hundred names of interested, paying customers, type up their names on sheets and have copies made. Advertise these as "Names of Prospective Customers".
Mail Order Dealers and other companies will pay you 3 cents, current price or MORE for each name. Sell the same names to ALL who are willing to buy them. You get PAID to accumulate names and you get PAID when you sell the names. You make money from both ends. No way you can lose on this deal! Keep advertising your listing service (charge $1 to $3 to each person to list their name). This can be a "Money Maker"!!
9. Sell Names of Mail Order Buyers by Mail
Sample Ad:
Mailing Lists. Opportunity Seekers. Fresh Daily. On Peel & Stick Labels. These "Hot Lists" really pull. Buy direct from the source.
If you have your own names of past customers, type their names and addresses on sheets of paper or on labels. Sell them for 3 cents to 6 cents each or current prices. Or buy names from others and sell their lists to your customers. It can make money for you.
10. Start a Club and Sell Memberships to It
What kind of club? You can start any kind of club you want. A stamp club, cooking club, pen-pal club, a writers or readers club, coupon or discount club, you name it. Each new member joining pays a fee. List all members on a roster.
11. Issue a Monthly Bulletin or Club "Newsletter"
Once you have your club going, ask for contributions of notes and news from members, including you own. Put it in a Newsletter, sell subscriptions to it. Sell it to members, for a fair monthly or yearly fee, but realize a small profit from it. Sell ad space . Members can list their wants and needs in it and it will be read by all members.
12. Offer a Typing Service
Many people don't know how to type or even have a typewriter. Charge so much per page... $4 to $6 or more for difficult copy. Type resumes, salesletters, college papers, reports, bulletins, circulars, instructions, copywriting, newsletters, etc. It must be sharp, clean and error free. Advertise your services in local papers and/or yellow pages.
13. Offer a Card Mailing Service
Others may be too busy or too forgetful so you do their card mailing for them... For a Fee! Arrange in writing all details to mail their birthday, anniversary, Christmas cards, etc. for them each year. They supply the names and addresses, etc. Advertise it and let others know.
14. A Mail Forwarding Service
Forward mail for other people. This is great if you live near some well known site. Others send you their cards and letters, you then remail them from your location, but charge them up front by the letter or a straight fee.
15. An Advice/Consultation Service
People will be happy to pay some expert for their advice. Why give away your knowledge or wisdom? Charge people to hear your advice. This is accomplished in person, fact sheet, statistical sheet or by newsletter. Financial advice, investment advice, marriage help, crafts, building, planting and so many, many other topics. Everyone of us knows something that few others know. Charge people to learn it from you.
16. Re-Writing or Ads and Sales-Circulars, Etc.
A great many people don't know how to put their thoughts and ideas into simple, every day sentences. If you know how to string words together, sell that ability to others. Re-write their ads and circulars, letters or reports or whatever. Advertise it. Charge by the hour, per item or by the inch.
Note: Send LSASE means that the advertiser needs your help to get more details to you quicker. He wants you to send a long self-addressed stamped envelope along with your letter.
17. Make Money with Your Computer
Sample Ad:
HOW TO GET RICH with your Microcomputer. SECRETS REVEALED. No experience necessary. Potential tax break! Invest in YOUR future. CASH IN ON THE $100 BILLION COMPUTER INDUSTRY. Order Book #XXXX.
Lots of people have their own computer and lots of people wish they could afford one. If you have one, rent it out, sell its abilities and make yours pay for itself. With local advertising and word of mouth you may find more work than you can handle. PLUS... receive a nice income doing something you enjoy. Visit your library or local book store for books or manuals regarding how to start up this type of business. Individuals, business persons, etc, need and will find your services very necessary.
18. Sell "Made to Order" Stamps by Mail
Sample Ad:
RUBBER STAMPS. Made to order and stock rubber stamps. 3 lines $2.25 ppd. Additional lines 50 cents each. Signature stamps $7.00 ppd. 25 unmounted 1 line stamps $5.50 ppd. Catalog 50 cents.
This is a VERY needed and popular item to sell by mail. The cost is low and you make a nice profit per sale. Read and study ads you'll always find in Mail Order publications. Send for their rates along with a letter asking for ways on how to get started in this type of business.
"PPd." means the advertiser will pay all additional postage or shipping costs... And that you need not send along any extra to pay postage.
19. Sell Labels and Stickers by Mail
Sample Ad:
DESIGN LABELS. Designs created for product labels, stickers. Free details.
Again, your need to contact sources and ask for dealer details or sales aids for commission agents. Some may not want or need dealers. Some who advertise may not be the source. They may be another dealer of the source. Write and ask.
20. Start/Operate a Profitable Newsletter Home Business
Join the smart ones who presently write simple or sophisticated styled NEWSLETTERS. If you do possess GOOD IDEA, VALUABLE ADVICE, OPTIONS OR INFORMATION or have access to any one of these, you will find that this is all that is really needed to get you started in selling valuable information that thousands of people are looking for, and profit handsomely while doing so. Thousands of newsletters are being published covering almost any subject you can imagine. EVEN YOURS.
21. Selling Recipes
Pick out one or several of your very best recipes. Ask Grandma or Mom to write down their very own original delicious creations. Whether from city, farm or the "old country" these unique recipes can be sold through classified ads. Pin money or big money, it's there waiting for you.
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