How to Co-Publish for Profits
The Benefits of Co-Publishing
There are a number of publishers, printers, and mail order dealers who publish their own mail-order magazine. They make their profit by selling advertising space to others in addition to selling their own offers. They offer others (Co-Publishers) a sizable discount for ad space in return for mailing a small number of each issue.
Many mail-order dealers, for one reason or another, prefer to act as a co-publisher rather than sending out their own ad sheet, circular or magazine. They do not have all the expense and hassle of laying out the copy, printing, etc., and a good co-publishing program gives them nearly the same exposure.
If you are tied in with top quality magazines or ad sheets you can make a reasonable profit through co-publishing. You handle it as if it were your own publication, getting ads on your product or service at a good discount plus you get additional commissions for subscriptions and ads you obtain for the Prime Publisher. Quite often prime publishers will give a commission on their own products which are sold through your efforts with orders coming direct to you.
For best response you should mail to your own name list and to dealers, etc., in the mail-order business, who are not yet advertising in the publications you are offering.
Co-Publishing and the Inner Circle
How does co-publishing relate to the inner circle of mail order? You place your ad in a trade magazine or ad sheet that is co-publishable by sending your ad and remittance to the co-publisher, who will forward the same, usually with 50% of your payment to the Prime Publisher. Your ad will appear in the next issue and the publisher will send you full details on becoming a co-publisher.
As a co-publisher, you generally get your future ads placed at one-half the published rate; 50% commission on ads you obtain; 50% on subscriptions received; 50% on products advertised in the publications that are to be ordered through you, the Co-Publisher, and from 20 to 100 or so publications, for your own mailings. You simply stamp your name and address as co-publisher, and mail out! If your ads don't pull, you may still come out ahead from orders that come to you as the co-publisher.
When you receive orders, retain 50% (or whatever amount is the agreed commission) and forward the balance with the order, to the Prime Publisher... He will take it from there... It's that simple. Nothing difficult, deep, dark or mysterious about Co-Publishing. The Prime Publisher's name and address does not usually appear on the publication. Orders are directed to you.
The number of orders you receive will depend on who you mail them to. If you mail to other Co-Publishers, orders obtained will usually be for small one-inch ads. They will reserve expenditures for large ads, until they become Co-Publishers of the publication themselves thus getting their advertising at one-half rates!
If your mailings are directed to mail-order beginners, opportunity seekers, or direct to the consumer, orders you receive will probably be for books or products offered under "Order From Co-Publisher" ads. Your own ad, of course, gets full circulation based on the total published and distributed for that particular issue.
You must receive sufficient response to pay for your ads and for the expense of mailing out the publications, plus a reasonable profit.
There are many fine trade magazines and ad sheets in the mail-order business that you may co-publish. As you progress and gain knowledge you will probably receive free copies of a number of the better ones to use for your business requirements.
These kind of publications are "In Print" quickly with no long waiting for your ad to appear. They reach an amazing number of small homeworkers and opportunity seekers. If your product or service appeals to these readers and the rates are right, you should get good response. The prime reasons for using these magazines and ad sheets are:
You get the agreed discount on your advertising after the first time in exchange for mailing a few copies.
You earn a specified commission on all new co-publishers and advertisers you get for the publisher.
You will receive a discount on all future advertising as long as you continue to co-publish.
Of course, you should get some business from your own ads as well.
Include a copy of the magazine or ad sheet in orders you fill and in your mails, or advertise that you send them free for payment of the postage cost. Using these methods, your postage cost to mail your copies is zero.
Another reason for co-publishing various magazines is that many of them do not require camera-ready copy. Some do an excellent job of typesetting and offer this service free. Items selling in these publications generally sell for $15.00 or less.
How to Make Money Even when Your Ads Don't Pull
This is a little more information on the "Riskless Ad Method" for the Co-publisher.
Step 1
Advertise in mail-order magazines and ad sheets that you offer Co-publishing. As mentioned earlier the price you have to pay for your ad is usually the full scheduled price for the first time, then 50% discount thereafter as long as you continue to Co-publish the magazine or mail-order ad sheet.
Step 2
You generally receive 50% commission on ads, subscriptions, etc., that are placed through you, so with the copies you receive and mail you can make money, as long as you stay with top quality publications carrying many articles of interest to mail-order dealers and money-seeking enthusiasts, and which offer good products or services at reasonable price.
Step 3
Distribute you magazine to people who are likely to place ads, etc. Check for firms who advertise in one co-publisher magazine and not in another. Send them a copy of the magazine they are not currently co-publishing or advertising. Since the publisher's name is not printed on the magazines, readers will have to order through you. When they order you make 50% and sometimes more. Go through all the literature and information you receive, from your various ads and contacts, with a fine tooth comb. You have paid for it all and somewhere within the pages of the publications you receive you will find the good programs to fit your individual business plans. YES! By Co-publishing you can make money from both your ads and from mailing copies.
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