15 Suggestions for Reducing Printing Costs

  1. Use mail order printers. Ordering printing by mail generally costs less because these printers have less overhead. Answer ads in mail order publications and compare prices. Always request samples.

  2. Order larger quantities. Before an offset printer runs your job, he must photograph the camera-ready copy & make a printing plate. This is necessary whether you order 1, 100 or 10,000 copies and is included in the "base" price. If you have an effective sales piece, you can save considerably by ordering more units, less often,

  3. Avoid 2 and 3-color print jobs. If your materials do a good selling job printed with black and white ink on colored paper. Pocket the savings!

  4. Use black ink only. Printers are geared to print with black ink. When you order a job printed in any other color, you will generally be charged extra for cleaning the press before and after your print job.

  5. Avoid rip-off prime sources that requires you to buy their sales materials directly from them. Generally, their products are poor sellers, but they make money off printed circulars, envelopes, etc.,you are forced to buy from them - at a highly inflated prices. Don't be gypped! Honest dealers will let you order printing from whomever you please.

  6. Print both sides of the sheet. Since the cost of paper your jobs requires is also included in the base price, by printing both sides of the page, you can save. (this can also reduce your postage costs!)

  7. Submit PERFECT camera-ready copy.. If you require the printer to make changes on the original, he will charge extra. (read "How To Design Winning Ads With Your Own "CR" Copy" - just $1 from above Publisher).

  8. Avoid large "reverses" (black solids). It is difficult for any printer to get good ink coverage if there are large reverses (black with white lettering), and many charge as much as 25% extra. A well designed sales piece does not have to rely on reverses to get attention.

  9. Use standard paper sizes. Ordering printing on unusual sizes or types of paper requires press adjustments. This increases printing costs.

  10. Order a "photo reduction". Standard typewritten copy can be reduced 25% to 33 1/3% and be legible. If your sales message runs to sat 1 1/4 t 1 1/3 pages, you can have it reduced to fit a regular 8 1/2" x 11" sheet and save printing. Most printers will do this for a small fee.

  11. Avoid duplication. If you keep accurate records, you can reduce printing bills simply by not sending the same materials over and over again to the same customers. (read "How To Set Up A Simple, Low-Cost Record/Bookkeeping System" - only $1.00 from above Publisher).

  12. "Cut" copy. If your message is handwritten or typed, and fills more than one 8 1/2" x 11" page, try rewriting the copy and eliminating unnecessary words. It will then cost you less,to have it printed.

  13. Sum up offers. If you have many items to sell, instead of sending a separate circular advertising each offer (which also increases postage costs), you can mention them all on one or two pages. Just list the items and give a brief description. At the bottom of the page, say something like "For additional information, check the items that interest you most and return this entire sheet with a long SASE."

  14. Avoid printer's "convenience" services. A printer's basic job is printing! But may also perform other services such as collating, folding, stapling, etc. You can save much for your printing bill if you do many of these easy little chores yourself.

  15. "Make a deal!" Some smaller, local printers may give you a "discount" if you promise to use him exclusively for all of your printing needs.

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