99 Ways for a Photographer to Make Money

Special Events

  1. Photograph vocational school graduates

  2. Wedding photographer

  3. Photograph large parties

  4. Photograph at banquets

  5. Prom and graduation photos

  6. Photograph fashion shows

  7. Photograph trade shows

  8. Wedding movies

  9. Photograph new stores' grand openings

  10. Photograph local performances

  11. Commencement day photographs


  1. Take pictures of people mounted on ha horse

  2. Make polaroid pictures of seamen going abroad

  3. Take pictures of people wearing special costumes

  4. Photograph people on a fancy motorcycle

  5. Take pictures of people in nightclubs

  6. Take pictures on the beach

  7. Antique photo shop - produce 1890's type portraits for the "nostalgic crazy"

  8. Take I.D. photos

  9. Take passport photos

  10. Specialize in legal photography

  11. Produce community yearbooks

  12. Produce company year books

  13. Produce composites for models, actors and actresses

  14. Photo fund raising

  15. Take slow-motion sports film for athletes

  16. Take executive portraits

  17. Photograph children on a pony

  18. Take portraits of children in department stores or malls

  19. A day in a child's life - an album of 30 pictures

  20. School photography

  21. Santa Claus portraits

  22. Travelling industrial photographer

  23. Illustrate manufacturers' sales manuals and catalogs

  24. Illustrate manufactures' sales manuals and catalogs

  25. Public relation photos for business

  26. Photograph store fronts

  27. Produce progress photos on construction sites

  28. Real estate photography

  29. Produce illustrated promotional brochures for business firms, hotels, etc.

  30. Interior decorator's photographer

  31. Photograph in-store merchandise displays

On the Road

  1. Foreign fashion photography for textile and fashion manufacturers

  2. Photograph tourists in famous places

  3. Summer camp photographer

  4. Roving festival photographer

  5. Sell scenic prints to gift shops and hotels

  6. Offer personalized vacation photo packages to resort clients

  7. Sell slide shows of interesting places or subjects

  8. Build a mobile portrait studio in a trailer or van

  9. Be a slide-show lecturer on different subjects and geographic locations

Making Novelties

  1. Candid keychain photos

  2. Photo stamps

  3. Color postcards for hotels or resorts

  4. Exceptional color scenes for calendar printers

  5. Personalized Christmas cards - with family portraits or photos of family home

  6. Photo buttons

  7. Photographs on coffee mugs

  8. Photographs on shirts

  9. Imprint a photograph of a child on the face of her doll

  10. Photo sculptures

  11. Bookends adorned with any desired photographic subject

  12. Decorative photo plaques

  13. Personalized photo matchbooks

  14. Instant personal postcards by gluing polaroid shots to blank postcards

  15. Stationery imprinted with personal portraits

  16. Custom calendars


  1. A microfilming service

  2. Photo duplicating service

  3. Slide duplicating service

  4. Restoring old photos

  5. Producing filmstrips

  6. Duplicating negatives to sell

  7. Slide-titling service

  8. Making offset negatives and plates

  9. Collecting old photos to make into books

  10. Making photomurals

  11. Retouching service

  12. Custom photo lab

  13. Blowing up photos, on the spot

  14. Photo oil portraits

  15. Selling prints to photo agencies

  16. Camera rental

  17. Camera exchange

  18. Repairing cameras

  19. Teaching photography


  1. Making postcards

  2. Publicity photography

  3. Photographic essays for various publications

  4. T.V. news freelancing

  5. Selling news photos

  6. Taking and selling peculiar photos

  7. Selling local photos for travel magazines

  8. Aerial photography

  9. Documentary film making

  10. Photos of human interest

  11. Composing photo guides for tourists

  12. Photographing accidents for lawyers and insurance companies

  13. Photographing parades

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