How to Make Big Money with a Mail Forwarding Service

Mail forwarding services are emerging into their own as big business. Basically all that's involved is setting your home address or post office box up as a mail drop - the receiving station - for anyone wanting to use your address as his own.

You receive all tis incoming mail, check it against your files, and forward it on to your customers. For this service, most mail forwarding services 25 to 30 cents per letter forwarded. Ten letters per month at 30 cents per letter is only $3 per month, but the secret is in volume. For instance, if you had 300 customers, each of them paying you $3 per month, you'd be grossing $900 for little more than rubber stamping a forwarding address on envelopes. Some companies of this type charge a $10 registration fee, and then 20 to 30 cents per letter.

All you need to set up a business is a card table in your garage, a rubber stamp that says: Forward to - and a ballpoint pen with which to write your client's proper address on the envelope. We suggest that you set up your place of operation in your garage in order not to interfere with the "living space" in your home, but if you're lacking in a garage, there's no reason why you can't set this business up in a corner of your living room.

People use mail forwarding services for a wide variety of different reasons. Some people are "on the road" much of the time and don't want their mail piling up in their home mail boxes; some people "just want" a different address from their own; some people want certain kinds of mail delivered to an address other than their home address; and then, some people are trying to "hide" their true addresses.

To get people to use your mail forwarding services, the easiest way is to run a small classified type ad in some of the national tabloid publications. Such an ad might read something like:

USE OUR ADDRESS AS YOUR BUSINESS ADDRESS! Complete mail forwarding service. Confidential, same day service, $10 per month. Register today. ABC Mail Forwarders, 123 Main Street, Anytown, USA 30136

Of course the above ad is just a quick example of how your ad might read, but this is an ad we've ran successfully for a number of years and have enjoyed great success with it. The main thing is to write your ad so that it solves a problem - gives the reader an idea - for the person in the market for these kinds of services.

A lot of people use this business as the basis for any number of other mail order programs they've got going - other related businesses that pretty much coincide without a great deal of extra space or work, include: Co-Op Mailing Services, Commission Circular Mailing, Private Mailbox Centers, Wrapping, Packaging, and UPS Services; and even Copy Centers.

It's an easy business to operate, inexpensive to start, and definitely a source of never-ending supply of extra cash.

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