Nervous Habit - You Can Break It in a Few Days
If you have a nervous habit you'd like to break, don't pull your hair out. You can put an end to fingernail-biting or hair-twisting in a matter of several days - and you can do it on your own.
The following 4-step plan will help you put an end to your nervous habit for once and for all.
Recognize your bad habit. Increase your awareness of it by acting it out in front of a mirror. Try to keep track of how many times during the day you fall into your habit.
Devise a replacement action. If you're a hair-puller, start carrying a brush and brush your hair each time you get the pulling or twisting urge. A nail-biter should learn to substitute filing his or her nails rather than biting.
Bring your habit out of the closet. Advise your work cohorts and family that you are attempting to break your nervous habit. Ask them to remind you when they catch you falling into your habit.
Learn to take it easy. Relaxation will help you put an end to a nervous habit. When you are too keyed up, your nervous habit takes over, so learn to do some deep breathing when you begin to feel uptight about something.
Your biggest hurdle in overcoming your nervous habit is in recognizing it. Once you do this and really decide you want to break it, you have done the hardest part. Good luck.
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