How to Make Money with Your Answering Machine
Your Answering Machine can be used to make MORE MONEY than you've ever made in your whole life! People with absolutely no business or marketing skills have been successful with Answering Machine Marketing methods. Recently, a young couple in Gossell, Kansas, went from three hundred to three million dollars, marketing money-making information in the form of books, manuals, and reports using a simple telephone answering machine.
This can only prove that the American Dream is still alive and well. this couple has also proved that if you have:
- A Great Idea;
- Believe in your ability to make it happen;
- Non-Stop motivation to take action now!, and
- If you persist...You Can Have It All!
Unlimited Money Making Potential
The money-making potential of a simple telephone answering machine is almost unlimited. So how do I use my answering machine, and what do I sell? Good question! The possibilities are endless! Many people are making a lot of money selling "How-To" information in the form of books, reports, manuals, directories. Topics include: Home Worker Guides, A Government Job Guide, Making Money As A Free-Lance Writer, Making Money With Your Pick-Up Truck, Making Money At U.S. Government Auctions, and more. However, the telephone answering machine ad approach can be adapted to many, many different products and services: Insurance or real Estate selling, home mortgage reductions, home improvements, Seminars of all kinds, Dating Services, and any kind of restaurant, social events, and 1001 other types of services.
How It Works
A small display ad, or an inexpensive classified ad is placed in daily or weekly newspapers inviting the reader to call a recorded message for more free information on your product, service or event. Using a well-written, benefit-rich script, you, or a professional speaker, record a 2 or 3 minute message that entices the caller to do one of the following:
Leave his/her name and address and request that the order be shipped C.O.D.
Leave his/her name and address to request more "free information" be sent.
A third method that some have tired concerns credit card ordering. however, most operators have found that this does not work very well. people do not like to leave their charge card number at the end of a recorded message. A fourth method that has had some success, asks the caller to order direct from the phone message, by sending a check or money order. Which of the two primary options works best? There are several advocates of each method.
Obviously, if you are offering a high-ticket item, or a specialized service (real estate, insurance, multi-level marketing, etc...) you would want simply to capture the callers address and/or phone number for the follow-up.
If you're selling a relatively low-priced item (less than $50), such as a book, gift item, etc., you can either use the C.O.D or inquiry method.
To ship C.O.D., or not, is a marketing option that confronts every marketer who has a reasonably priced item, and who wants to use a recorded message as a selling tool.
The major advantage of C.O.D. shipping is that the order instructions are captured on your answering machine, and can be processed and shipped immediately.
The major disadvantage to the C.O.D. method is that it is likely that 40% to 55% of all orders shipped will come back to you because the UPS driver or U.S. Postal Route Carrier (C.O.D. orders can be shipped either by United Parcel Service or by U.S. Mail) could not make delivery and get paid. that's not good!
Proponents of C.O.D. shipping claim, even with the huge amount of undeliverable, that this method is still their favorite. There are three entrepreneurs, one in Utah, one in California, another in Arizona, who each are making millions of dollars per year selling books and reports, via the C.O.D method. it's nice to keep it simple. you run your ads, you use a hard sell recorded telephone script. the callers leave their address, and you ship.
Marketers who hate C.O.D. shipping usually can't emotionally handle all those undeliverable, unpaid for shipments. C.O.D. shipping does work for some. if you can "psychologically" handle the big return factor, it may make you the kind of money you have always dreamed of making.
Here's an important marketing tip: If you do get involved in C.O.D shipping, send a postcard to the responder one day before you ship the order. Say something like this:
Thank you for your order for our amazing (fill in the book's title or the name of the product here), your order is being processed and will be shipped immediately. Please be sure to have $ (total amount) available to pay the UPS driver when he calls.
In addition to receiving the (fill in product name), we are also including a very special free bonus with your order. We know you'll love it!
Thanks again for ordering. We appreciate having you as a customer.
Signed (Name and Address Of Your Company)
This technique works just great! One marketer was able to reduce returns by over 15%, by using this little ploy that added up to tens of thousands of dollars in one year!
What should your free bonus be? Put on your thinking cap! you can come up with some inexpensive "widget" or low-cost report, that relates to what you're selling. If you're going to use the C.O.D. method---You must do this!
Another option to the C.O.D. method is the two-step inquiry method. Sure, it's much slower. First you capture the name and address of the voice responder. Next you rush him or her (it's wise to mail within 48 hours--or less!) your sales literature. no huge ego-deflating returns, plus your printed sales literature can make a much stronger, and longer presentation than a 2 or 3 minute electronic script.
Why It Works
Why does a simple answering machine work so well. We have discovered that many people who are usually not "mail responsive" will pick up a telephone and call a recorded message. this is particularly true of newspaper readers.
So what must you do to get started in this exciting and highly profitable business! Well, let me give you the necessary steps that you must take to put this information into action.
Create/or locate a product or service that is highly in demand by a large group of people.
Write a classified ad and sales message (almost like a commercial) to sell the product or service. record the sales message onto a simple answering machine.
Place your classified ad in a newspaper that offers the cheapest rates (usually a very small paper or Pennysaver, etc) and put the phone number that is being used by the answering machine that has your recorded script on it in the advertisement.
Your customer will see your ad, call your number, listen to your sales message and order.
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