47 Proven Ways to Economize at Home Every Day

  1. Wash and reuse foil wrap.
  2. Save "junk mail" reply envelopes for filing recipes, receipts, etc.
  3. Trade things you don't want with friends, neighbors, relatives.
  4. Restrict family between-meal snacks to inexpensive and healthful in-season fruit and vegetables, home-popped corn, raisins, etc.
  5. Become a "brown bagger". Take your lunch to work.
  6. Save and reuse plastic sandwich bags and paper lunch bags.
  7. Tie soap remnants in a piece of nylon net and use as a body sponge.
  8. Crumpled up used aluminum foil is ideal for scouring pots and pans.
  9. Paper towels are expensive. Use washable cloth dish towels instead.
  10. Wash and reuse transparent plastic wrap.
  11. Save empty plastic food containers for storing leftovers & freezer use.
  12. Don't throw away anything. Save everything for a future garage sale.
  13. Attend movies early when prices are generally lower.
  14. Don't buy expensive gifts. Give exotic home grown plants or bake a cake.
  15. Give yourself a home permanent instead of paying top prices at a salon.
  16. Consider cutting your family's hair yourself.
  17. Use plastic bread wrappers and produce bags for freezer use.
  18. Use washable cloth handkerchiefs instead of expensive facial tissues.
  19. Organize a baby-sitting club with friends & neighbors. Take turns.
  20. Think in terms of doing it yourself rather than hiring someone to do it, such as home repairs, painting, garden work, cutting the lawn, etc.
  21. Swap services with friends and neighbors who can do things you can't.
  22. Take advantage of free recreation, such as picnic areas, libraries, public tennis courts, swimming areas, parks, zoos, etc.
  23. If you're not going out to shop, leave your credit cards at home.
  24. Learn about the many bargains at "no frills" discount stores.
  25. Avoid spending on "throwaway" items such as disposable razors, flashlights, pens, toothbrushes, paper cups & plates, diapers, cigarette lighters, etc.
  26. For parties, use reusable plates, cups, glasses, utensils, napkins-instead of expensive paper and plastic disposables.
  27. Pay credit card charges when they become due so interest isn't added.
  28. When buying big-ticket items, learn all about them from consumer magazines and guides before you buy. You will be less apt to make a bad choice.
  29. Garage sales and flea markets are excellent for both selling and buying.
  30. Start your children earning money at an early age.
  31. When buying insurance, pay the premium annually. It's less expensive in the long run than paying monthly, quarterly or even semi-annually.
  32. Check all monthly bills closely, including your bank balance. Big companies can and do make mistakes.
  33. Examine your check at restaurants to make sure no error has been make.
  34. Buy things out of season for big savings, such as after Christmas.
  35. Grow your own herbs and spices in window-sill flower pots.
  36. Coffee is expensive. Brew only as much as your family will drink.
  37. Save and sell recyclable materials such as aluminum, paper, etc.
  38. Don't spend for extra ice cubes. Store them in plastic bags in the freezer.
  39. Bread becomes stale more quickly in the refrigerator. Store it at room temperature or in the freezer.
  40. Learn about auto upkeep and how to do minor repairs yourself.
  41. Don't look for a new apartment until after the peak renting season is over.
  42. Instead of buying gorgeous house plants, get cuttings from friends.
  43. If you need a lawyer, carefully investigate his fees in advance.
  44. Be wary of banking gimmicks. Be sure you get the best deal in town.
  45. Shop at discount and variety stores for biggest savings on cosmetics.
  46. Dilute your shampoo with small amount of water - for easier rinsing.
  47. Before buying anything new, ask yourself if you really need it.

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