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10 Ways to make Money on the Internet

The Internet provides direct access to people all over the World! Here are 10 ways to leverage the Internet to make money.

Weight Loss through Blood Sugar Control

Most people are taught that we lose or gain weight depending on the number of calories we consume and the number of calories we burn. But this is only part of the story.

How to Evaluate Rental Properties

When purchasing real estate that you plan to live in, it is important to consider the way that real estate makes you feel. But to be a good investor, you must focus on the numbers and only purchase real estate that will make you money.

How Common is Life in the Universe?

We grow up in a world where life is all around us. That life has diversified to fill every available niche. It seems only reasonable to assume life exists like this throughout the Universe. But is that assumption justified? What can we really say about extraterrestrial life?

The Boring Way to Become Wealthy

When some people think about becoming rich, they might imagine suddenly coming into a bunch of money. Maybe they'll win the lottery. Maybe a rich relative will die and leave a fortune to them. Or perhaps they'll suddenly make it as a famous actor. Planning to become wealthy this way is a non starter.

Understanding Diabetes

Diabetes is becoming an epidemic in developed nations due primarily to unhealthy diet and lifestyle. In this article, I'll explain the basics about what exactly diabetes is, and how you can avoid and even reverse it.

How to Buy Homes and Land for a Few Dollars

Yes, you can buy homes, apartments and land for next to nothing by using the procedure of bidding at "tax delinquency and lien sales." These are made to recover unpaid taxes on property which is auctioned off 3 to 4 times each year.

How Pawnshops Work

A pawnbroker makes loans on personal property left as collateral. The property can be redeemed when the loan plus interest is repaid.

How to Evaluate High-Technology Stocks

High technology is the last frontier in American business.

How to Borrow Money Interest Free

There are a number of ways to borrow money interest-free if you take the time to operate the methods. However, one of the simplest ways is to borrow it from a bank which offers "overdraft protection."

Get All the Grocery Coupons You Need

Anyone who doesn't use coupons when they go grocery shopping is missing out on an easy way to save money. Many stores double coupons, so a 35 cent coupon will actually save 70 cents.

Couponing: How to Run an Easy and Profitable Business Selling Special Coupons

Look in your mailbox. What do you see almost every day? Coupons. Look in your newspaper. What do you see EVERY day? Coupons. It seems like coupons multiply like rabbits. Why? Prices are rising, unlike a majority of people's incomes.

Contest and Sweepstakes Secrets

Everywhere you look, there seems to be a new contest or sweepstakes. Money and prizes galore are just waiting to be won. Are you one of the people who says things like "I never win anything" or "Those contests are all rigged"? Well, you're WRONG.

How to Stop Paying Property Taxes on Your Home

The way to do this is to sign over the title of your home to your non-profit organization that you form. You can form your own church or organization and apply for the tax-exempt status at your county courthouse.

How to Get Free Subscriptions to Magazines

There are a large number of "trade" magazines, journals, newsletters, and newspapers which are mailed absolutely FREE to interested firms and individuals who merely ask for them.

How to Get Hundreds of New Books Free

You can receive hundreds, even thousands of new books each year free by becoming a "book reviewer." Offer to write a column for your local paper for free.

How to Get Free Travel

If possible, appoint yourself as President of your own non-profit organization and have the organization supply you with a "free" vehicle will all be expenses.

Waterproofing and Fireproofing Common Items

Mix 3 cups soybean oil (available from grocery or health food store) with 1 1/2 cups turpentine. Paint on and let dry. Reapply after a year or two of hard use or outdoor exposure.

How to Develop a Winning Attitude

What does it take in our everyday lives to be successful? In order to evaluate this question it is first necessary to understand what "success" is and what all successful people have in common.

How to Get a Good Night's Sleep

Drink this mixture warm or hot half an hour before bedtime. If you are not asleep within an hour, repeat the dose. Do not drink more than 2 doses in an evening.

14 Ways to Get Free Postage and Envelopes

14 Ways to Get Free Postage and Envelopes

A Short Course in Mail Order Fraud

When the mail is used to intentionally misrepresent a product or service it constitutes Mail Fraud. The U.S. Postal Inspection Service is charged with investigating violations of the law, usually in response to consumer complaints.

Achieving Success in Business

Perhaps the most sought-after goal in our present society is success in business. Whether you want to be promoted into high-paying management positions, or wish to start your own independent enterprise, knowledge of the business world is important.

How to Set Up Your Own Mail Order Distributorship for General Merchandise and Books

When you have developed, or found, mail-order products over which you have exclusive ownership or control, you may want to consider selling through agents, wholesalers or dealers.

How to Select Mail Order Products that Sell

Almost anything that people want or need is today being successfully sold by mail. In fact, some propositions could not be handled in any other way. The problem is to figure out the product or service and then find and develop a market.